Raipur News | Local holiday declared on 12th November for Raipur and Atal Nagar Nava Raipur रायपुर। सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग,...
CG Transfer | After the Balodabazar violence, the blame fell on Collector and SP रायपुर। देर रात सरकार ने बड़ी...
Chhattisgarh | Chief Minister discussed Balodabazar incident with heads of Satnami community रायपुर। मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने बलौदाबाजार जिले...
नीरज उपाध्याय/केशकाल:- अंतर्राज्यीय गांजा तस्करी के खिलाफ कोंडागांव पुलिस इन दिनों मुस्तैदी से काम कर रही है। जिले के केशकाल,...
Chhattisgarh | A committee will be formed under the leadership of Special Secretary to overcome the shortage of specialist doctors....
Chhattisgarh | Knowledge of new techniques of road and bridge construction will increase the efficiency of engineers - Deputy CM...
Chhattisgarh | Efforts to tighten the Industry Department started, Minister gave instructions to review every scheme रायपुर। उद्योग मंत्री लखन...
Big News For CG | Center released Rs 4761.30 crore to Chhattisgarh रायपुर। केंद्रीय वित्त मंत्रालय द्वारा छत्तीसगढ़ के वित्तीय...
CG News | As soon as the code of conduct ends, there will be tightening and speed in work, CM...
Monsoon in Chhattisgarh | Chance of heavy rain in Chhattisgarh for next 2 days रायपुर। अगले 02 दिनों तक दक्षिण...