Chhattisgarh | Stop the movements! Agarwal's resignation accepted. रायपुर। मंत्री पद से बृजमोहन अग्रवाल का इस्तीफा स्वीकार हो गया है।...
CG Breaking | Mamta Chandrakar removed from the post of Vice Chancellor of Music University.. Order issued रायपुर। ममता चंद्राकर...
CG Breaking | Appointment of retired IAS to the post of State Election Commissioner रायपुर। साय सरकार ने रिटायर्ड IAS...
CG Breaking | One IAS transferred, 2 given additional charge... रायपुर। राज्य सरकार ने तीन आईएएस अफसरों के प्रभार में...
Cancer Crime News | BSF jawan's dead body found कांकेर। छत्तीसगढ़ के कांकेर जिले में एक बीएसएफ जवान की लाश...
Chhattisgarh News | After the resignation of Minister Brijmohan Aggarwal, the work of the department is getting affected, discussion on...
CG Public Commission Fire | Abuse at journalists who came to cover fire in Lok Aayog.. रायपुर। छत्तीसगढ़ लोक आयोग...
Chhattisgarh | Now action has been taken on irregularities committed during Covid, DEO removed रायपुर। छत्तीसगढ़ शासन ने बस्तर जिले...
UGC Defaulter University List 2024 | UGC released defaulter list, 5 colleges of Chhattisgarh included रायपुर। यूजीसी यानी यूनिवर्सिटी ग्रांट...
International Yoga Day Yoga has now become a part of global culture - Governor Harichandan राजभवन में आयोजित योग शिविर में...