March 15, 2025

The News Wave

सच से सरोकार

Kajal Panday

CG Breaking | Constable recruitment process postponed after serious complaints of irregularities राजनांदगांव। छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार ने आरक्षक भर्ती प्रक्रिया को...

Chhattisgarh | Civic-Panchayat elections! Ban on transfers, notification likely to be issued soon रायपुर। छत्तीसगढ़ में नगरीय निकाय और पंचायत...

Police Constable Recruitment Scam 7 arrested including female candidate, more secrets of irregularities expected to be revealed राजनांदगांव। पुलिस आरक्षक...